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Lesbian Historic Motif Podcast - Episode 203 - On the Shelf for June 2021  - Transcript

(Originally aired 2021/06/05 - listen here)

Welcome to On the Shelf for June 2021. Happy Pride Month!

This month rather snuck up on me, what with one thing and another. I dropped the ball a bit and didn’t manage to get an author interview for this month. Fortunately, that’s not as fatal as it was back when I was doing interviews as separate shows!

Once again I"ve been invited to participate in the Pride Storybundle -- a collection of queer genre fiction, offered at an irresistable discount price! For the last Storybundle I participated in, we leapfrogged over Mother of Souls to offere Floodtide when it was still fairly fresh. But now I've circled back to offer Mother of Souls, which completes the set of Alpennia novels to date across four Storybundles.

The Pride StoryBundle is always packed full of wonderful authors and stories. And who knows better about that than the authors themselves? To entice you to check it out, we contributors are interviewing each other. You can find the full list of contents and purchasing information here:

The Pride StoryBundle is always packed full of wonderful authors and stories. And who knows better about that than the authors themselves? To entice you to check it out, we contributors are interviewing each other. You can find the full list of contents and purchasing information here:

The Pride StoryBundle is always packed full of wonderful authors and stories. And who knows better about that than the authors themselves? To entice you to check it out, we contributors are interviewing each other. You can find the full list of contents and purchasing information here:


The 2020 Pride Month Bundle - Curated by Catherine Lundoff

Celebrating Pride Month with a StoryBundle has become an annual tradition, one in which we present a different and wonderful collection of LGBTQ+ books and authors each June.

The deadline is fast approaching, but here's another guest post from a LGBT SFF Storybundle author!

Tenea D. Johnson writes:

It’s a good time to read Smoketown. A place that’s given in to its own fears to the extent that its people are living an unnatural life in a restricted place doesn’t seem so extraordinary at the moment. But even in such places there’s still magic, and when enough people pursue their goals in spite of restriction they can change anything. They can change everything.

Only 2 more days to take advantage of the LGBT Science Fiction Storybundle! Although I'm not a contributor to the bundle, I offered to host promotional posts from bundle members to help spread the word. Here's a post from Geonn Cannon, who has been a regular in the Storybundles that Melissa Scott has put together.

Geonn's post:

It’s literally been a full year since I blogged, which is a shameful thing. But it makes what I’m posting today more important! Right? Maybe. We’ll see.

I offered to host guest-blogs for the LGBT+ SFF Storybundle that Melissa Scott organized this year -- only a little over a week left to take advantage of this great bundle! -- and she sent the following along for me to post. (It previously appeared on her own blog.)


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