At some conventions, I feel like I have lots of down time to compose daily blog entries. This time, I'm feeling very "on the go" and figure I'll just jot down impressions and experiences.
At some conventions, I feel like I have lots of down time to compose daily blog entries. This time, I'm feeling very "on the go" and figure I'll just jot down impressions and experiences.
So far, my Worldcon activity has been meeting up with some other early arrivers from the File 770 community for dinner & drinks at The Dubliner.
The final schedule for MidAmericon II, this year's Worldcon, is up and I've added my singing signing and kaffeeklatsch events to my posted schedule. Barring a delivery disaster, I'll have Alpennia badge ribbons to hand out, so make sure to find me and ask for one!
ETA: Typo corrected. Wouldn't want to mislead folks into thinking I'd taken up filking again! Sorry about that.
It's that time of the summer when I suddenly realize it's time to book my flight to Kansas City for this year's Worldcon (World Science Fiction Convention). If you followed along with all my convention blogging last year, you may remember that Worldcon was the event that left me thinking, "This. This is what a successful convention experience can be. Remember this if you're ever feeling down or left out or marginalized in the SFF community." To be sure, every Worldcon is different: a different location, a different organizing committee, a different slice of the SFF community.
Some day I'll figure out how to predict how much programming any given con is likely to allot. I guess Westercon balances out the one lone panel I've been assigned for Worldcon. Here's what I'll be doing on the official schedule. Beyond that, I'll be wandering around trying to balance out introvert-overload and the desire to make connections with people.