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Gaylactic Spectrum Awards - Mother of Souls is Best Novel

Sunday, May 20, 2018 - 14:51

Those of you who follow me on Twitter or Facebook got the first informal initial squee on this last weekend, but now the official annoucement is up at the Gaylactic Spectrum Award website, naming Mother of Souls Best Novel for 2017. I can't express how very happy this makes me, putting Alpennia on a list filled with authors like Melissa Scott, Elizabeth Bear, Ginn Hale, Laurie J. Marks, Nalo Hopkinson, and David Gerrold. The Gaylactic Spectrum Awards are given for science fiction and fantasy works with strong positive queer content. Both Daughter of Mystery and The Mystic Marriage were finalists for the award, and I have to say that the quality of the competition is such that I would have been perfectly proud to continue making that finalist list. So I'm over the moon to have Mother of Souls recognized in this way.

Major category: 